Dragon Markings

As you may have noticed in either the pics or descriptions in the books, my dragons have interesting markings on their bodies as well as on their faces. Those are not tattoos but are natural. The story from the history of dragons is that in the beginning when the planet first adopted the dragons as her protectors, they were a white, smaller species. Those who developed the greatest psychic connections also were born with color as a reward for future service to the great planet that provides so well for her people. Over time, all dragons became colored and so the planet gave them larger wings, to denote those with the greatest amount of power and connection. After several generations all dragons were larger and colored so body markings began to develop, signifying a connection that was new, refined, or enlarged. Next, new and different facial markings had become noticeable. So dragon’s had become a larger, colored, and marked species, according to the story tellers.