
Cattle Pulling a Wagon
As a reader, you have probably noticed that aside from the dragons Grabon has chosen, the others really do not view humans as people. They might be pets or pests, but certainly not people. They sort of treat Grabon like the alpha male who dresses his dog in a sweater. They only roll their eyes behind his back, but they think he’s crazy. Of course, they might be willing to take on a dog and dress it up if it gets them a place in Grabon’s Territory, but they aren’t drinking the Cool-Aid. That being said, Grabon’s friends, Griss, Thane, Brom, Pit, and Rok might have thought that Grabon was exaggerating the intelligence and abilities of the humans at first, but then they started to see it for themselves. On NewEarth discrimination is not a one way street. Humans are leery and distrusting of dragons. Dragons are leery and distrusting of humans and the clan of Dragonmen are attempting to build a bridge. The only question is who will blow it up, who will cross it and how many people will die before they find an answer.