Cyber Stunts

There were warning signs about a month ago. We started looking for a glitch or an attack. Not much I can do, but Bryon my cyber expert knew what he was seRching for. He managed to start cleaning things up, and weeding things out. Comments are active again. If you left a comment in the last three weeks I got it today. The spam filter was holding them all until we could isolate the malicious attacks of the website.
I appreciate your patience and understanding and I love the interaction. Please know that if I don’t respond, there is probably a reason. In this case someone used a comment to inbed some malicious code. Bryon my cyber hero has it isolated.
In any case, we figured it out and I will be a lot more careful about approving comments that are not related to content. Yes, I am the one who approved the compliment on the layout, colors and format of the site. I opened the door to a cyber marauder, however, I also hired the guy who cut off his head. I guess we’re even. Thanks Bryon, you’re the best!
Hooray for Byron!