So we have a bad history when it comes to people coming to stay for a few days. Sometimes a fire, sometimes a flood. The curse has included a tornado and I am definitely against the pestilence part of the prophecy, but we did have an invasion of ants once and a horde of lady bug like beetles that covered our ceilings. Yep we are guest cursed, and yet we enjoy company.
So when our good friend was coming back to the USA for a visit, we naturally invited her to the new house, thinking somehow we were past all that. After all nothing had happened in a while, not since we moved.
Let me tell you what happened yesterday as we were getting ready. I went downstairs to flip over the laundry and my sock foot landed in a cold puddle. I looked down and as I walked following the trail of water, noticing the boxes soaking up moisture, weakening the cardboard, I shook my head.
“No this couldn’t be happening,” I told myself. I peered under a workbench, around a corner and found still more puddles. I started with the three foot squeegee but quickly moved to the carpet cleaner. My carpet cleaner can suck up water pretty quick.
I poured it into a bucket and kept going. When the bucket was full I emptied it into the bathroom sink. It seemed like no matter how much water I sucked up I wasn’t able to get ahead, but I was determined. I paused to get the laundry going, that’s when I saw the floor drain bubble up as the washer started to drain. I clicked off the washer and stared at the drains.
Now – I have some basic knowledge of a lot of things and I can clean a bathroom with the best of them, but plumbing is not one of my talents or hobbies. So tomorrow in the morning, hours after my guests arrive, we are going to add the plumber to our numbers and hope there is an easy fix.
Hopefully everything else will go smoothly. Oh wait, there is a train delay… four hours late. Oh good that gives me some extra time to clean.
It’s in the cards!