In all 6 books there is a scattered mention of hens. They are much like chickens, providing eggs and kept in a protected environment so as not to fall prey to any passing puton. Gordon has a huge hen house and he gave a bunch to Heron when he completed the hut. Golly had an argument with the hens because they wanted to keep their eggs and pecked his hands. But there were limited mentions in the first six books.
When I started writing these stories my experience with chickens was limited, mostly fairs and the occasional prank where a student brought a bird and let it loose in the school. But after my mom’s passing my dad came home with 8 day old chicks. It was something he had been talking about forever and I was in favor of anything that kept him focused on life and living. He had lost his partner for all his adult life and needed every chance to view something positive. If chickens could help him, I was 100% behind them.
Taking care of chicks and raising them to be egg layers was amazing. The cute fuzzy chick phase only lasts a few days. Feathers grew in, changes occurred daily, and personalities formed. We lost one to deformity, three to predators. It turns out everything loves to eat chicken. Getting them through he winter took some planning.
The best part, aside from my dad’s enjoyment, was realizing how interesting the chickens were, how determined by instinct, how varied the personalities, and how much they communicate with one another.
This summer we added 14 more chickens and two ducks. What characters they all are and what stories I can tell using them as models. But for now we are making plans for getting our flock of 19 birds through the winter. If nothing else it keeps us busy.