The Past…

When I was a kid and we were living in Chicago, my parents were part of the community organization. They participated in the big fundraiser by working in a carnival. It was always the highlight of the summer getting to help, assist in the games and draw people in . Not only was the runway…

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My Cup is Filling Up

In case you didn’t hear me shouting for joy, or catch a glimpse of me doing an outrageous happy dance, I got a new review for Gordon’s Pride. For those keeping track, it is the 13th for Gordon and Hanna’s story. 5🌟’s Loved this start to the New Earth Series. “This sci-fi is very different…

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My Library

My newly painted library looks like a fountain of books exploded, but it is all part of the sorting process. So far I am pulling thirty authors and making collections of their books and locating them in different places. Once all the boxes are opened, those thirty authors will be situated and I can start…

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I was talking to my mother about my blog post about scrounging and finding the perfect pile of wood, only to discover that it was inhabited by rattle snakes. 😟 I concluded by reminding her that my husband and I have found some amazing things over the years. It turns out, the scrounging bug is…

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😡 Scam! 😡

This morning I got up, hopeful and happy to explore this new employment opportunity. I did my Wii fit, took a shower poured my coffee and sent the image that showed the check from my new employer (IMDS) had cleared. It was 40 minutes before my report time, but I was feeling pretty good. In…

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An image of dragons and humans playing together

What is your favorite part of the NewEarth World? Is it the green sky with two suns and two moons? Is it the longer days, sudden storms, and changing seasons? Is your favorite part Athena’s illustrations of the wildlife and plants or is it something else? For some people I think their favorite part is…

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Book Signing

I went to Lisa Beard’s book signing today. People stood in line for hours to get a picture, to have her sign their book. She ran out of books in the first hour. It was amazing. She held it in the local book store and she is a teacher in the community so many of…

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Have you ever been to a clothing store and admired all the different security devices they use to keep someone from ripping off their clothes? Today I went shopping with my mom, dad, and husband, but this has happened before. A security device was accidentally left on an article of clothing. What made it funnier…

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Reviews Arrive

As an author, I cannot stress enough how important reviews are. It is not just marketing or promotion, Amazon promotion or sales; it is about building confidence as a writer. Reviews tell the writer that they are doing something right, or they need to improve a particular area. Today was pretty exciting. I got two…

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Exciting Purchase

We now have two vehicles. I am not sure how long that will last, but we added to the occupants of our driveway for now. This new vehicle is in good shape and should carry Shawn’s scooter with ease. It would never accommodate a dragon as a passenger, but few modern conveyances would. It occurred…

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