Happy New Year

From the world of NewEarth to each of the denizens in OldEarth, have a healthy, safe and joyous 2018 filled with hope, love and a belief in your own worth and value to society. Keep your fridges full, your cars working and everyone around you safe.

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Winter Travel

Winter travel is a theme in my stories, but this holiday season my husband and I had some adventures of our own traveling out of the deep freeze up north back home. Fortunately we had a heated car and were not traveling by wagon behind a giant cattle or even worse in a lightweight bentar…

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Home for the Holidays

Well, we are back in place after a whirlwind visit with the family. Almost everyone was there and the company was spectacular, the conversation lively and it was wonderful to see and speak with everyone at once. Of course that is no exaggeration as we tend to all speak at once and randomly answer one…

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Sugar coated candied nuts, oozing with cinnamon and sweetness that I only make for the holiday season, adds some nice flavor and texture to stuffing when crushed. Another great food tip is add cut up oranges to the inside of a turkey. It adds flavor and moisture to the bird.

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Lots of food and drink

Christmas is a great excuse to focus on finger foods and exotic drinks. We had puff pastries, shrimp, crab, cheese and artichokes and everything in between. What a fabulous feast of tidbits.

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Visiting family

The drive was long, but the reception was wonderful. Being surrounded by family is always a treat. We spent the day decorating, stringing lights and exchanging stories.

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On The Road

Nobody ever accused me of traveling light. As we pack up the truck to visit my parents for Christmas we have a number of bulky items that need space, but fear not, we can always tie them on the roof! Happy travels to those on the road and remember that the object is to get…

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I know I am not the only technophobe in the world, but my understanding of how the computer works, runs and connects to the invisible network of information is more a practice in magical thinking than an understanding of the technology itself. Therefor, having a grand wizard of technogeekdom in my corner is important. Thanks…

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New Art to See!

Over the next few days, new art will be added to the site, so keep a look out in the glossary. Athena, my artist does such an amazing job that every time she exceeds my expectations. Let me know what you think of her images and I will pass it along. Hint: Fanger and howlers…

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Have a Wonderful Holiday

To all readers, have a wonderful holiday season and a joyous start to the new year. With holiday shopping, feasts to cook, family to entertain and entertainments to plan, I am going to be very busy, but I am hoping to get at least one blog in a day. Enjoy the festivities, the food and…

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