Three Wishes

Not that some magical wizard of wonderment is going to pop out a bottle anywhere near me or you, but if one did, what would you wish for? For myself I am not so sure, but for Heron and Grabon I am almost certain their first wish would be to avert a species conflict on…

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Links to Heron’s Bonds

While it is true that Heron’s Bonds released early and is available on Amazon, we did not set up the links for the website ahead of time. That being the case, give us a few days and we will have everything in place. Remember it wasn’t expected to be ready until the 10th.

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Almost ready

It is very exciting! Heron’s Bonds is almost ready to appear on Amazon. It could be tonight, or tomorrow morning. Someone asked if I was going to hold release, like so many writers do and my brain went blank for a second. Of course not, but I completely understood why someone who doesn’t know me…

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Invited Company

Have you ever faced the quandary of how much to do when you invite people to come and eat with you? Shawn and I like finger food, little things that you sample and lots of them. The problem is that many people don’t know how to handle this type of spread. Typically I serve ten…

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Buying gifts has always been one of my favorite things. Sometimes I hit big, sometimes it is a complete miss, but I try. My husband on the other hand has great luck. This last Christmas he designed and made 3 ten carrot necklaces out of 3 Easter carrot bowling sets. He drilled, he strung, he…

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Lack of Rain

Coming off an island in Alaska where the weather was wet, cold and inhospitable most of the time, Missouri had an abundance of sun. Now that we have been here over a year, I have noticed, it also has a distinct lack of rain. I can’t help wondering if this is the foundation of the…

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Unexpected guests

This morning, just before lunch, my husband stepped outside onto the porch to have a smoke and called me out to join him. Then he yelled, bring the iPad, we need pics of this. I did and stood there in the freezing cold with my coat undone giggling. Two horses and a cow were eating…

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Cooking, celebrating and working

Early January is always a crazy, busy time. Not only is it clean up from the holidays, but my birthday is the 4th and we like to celebrate that too. Today I am cooking different finger foods and we have the neighbors coming to celebrate the NewYear. Wouldn’t you know the bathtub drain is frozen?…

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The role of fiction is first to entertain, next to spread hope and light, and last to offer up messages encoded to the reader. If a book fails to entertain, put it down and spend your time more wisely. When light and hope cannot find their way through the tightly woven plot I not only…

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