Julia’s Latest Posts
Post a review
Did you know that the best way to thank a writer is to post a review of their book on Amazon? Based on the number of reviews on their site, Amazon will either promote a book or not. By adding a review, you add to the count that gets an author’s work promoted.
Read MoreChicken Dog
Our poor Jethro has a thing about thunder and lighting. It comes about because where he grew up ( he is 11) in Alaska there were plenty of storms, but no crashing noises from the sky or accompanying light shows. During the storms here, he acts as if Velcro had fastened him to us and…
Read MoreBonds
The bonds between mates is obviously different than the bonds of companions. Grabon and Heron both speak of the bond shared between Hanna and Grabon, Gordon and Grabon and then Brom and Grabon and Griss and Grabon and as each dragon gains acceptance it seems a bond is established, something other than just friendship. Those…
Read MoreDistractions
There are very few things that I find utterly distracting because I have the uncanny ability to block out the physical world for the one in my head. However the list of things that can snap me back is growing. I am not sure if it is because I am older or because we live…
Read MoreThe Heartsinger
As I am working away on book 3 and getting it ready to meet the world, I thought I would let you know that the reader gets a bit more information about both humans and dragons, about how they live and what they value. Not that I can say too much without giving anything away,…
Read MoreResponse Quandry
If and when people respond to my blog, if I write back, is it creepy? How much interaction do readers want with the writer. Being a newly published author is not easy it is a path filled with twists, turns and insecurities…. okay, now I’ll have some cheese to go with that whine.
Read MoreWhat To Call It
Feel free to weigh in on the genre discussion. Most people agree the NewEarth Series is a romance and it is fantasy, and that is where the disagreements start. Is it psychic/supernatural? Is it romance saga? Is it dragon lore? Is it more fantasy based than romance or more romance with fantasy? Is it a…
Read MoreTechnology
Everyday I learn something new, something interesting and unfortunately, something should have realized before. Today I figured out how to include an image with a post. Of course the reader has to hit the post to see it in full size, but I bet you guys catch on to that faster than I did. Of…
Read MoreBefore the Sun
Some mornings the world is more visible before the sun rises. In that quiet moment, the light from the moon on the snow, reflecting back on a dark sky, slowly catching color from a distant dawn, all seems clear. Then a few moments later, shadows shift and reality returns and the world is as confusing…
Read MoreThe Flu
It is amazing how something like the flu can affect your thinking, planning and routines. My husband and I tend to assess what we have, medicine wise, go over liquids and comfort foods and assess if we need to get supplies or if we can last halfway or if we can hold out. If a…
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