
Obviously I have some imaginative ear worm that I picked up and nurtured as a small child. It was more than an imaginary friend and less than a full retreat from reality, but it was a safe haven, a place I could play, learn, and enjoy. As an adult, snippets of imagination have always slipped…

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Shift and Sort

Like most people, because of circumstances beyond my control, I end up with a pile of stuff in a place where a pile is inconvenient. Then the shift and sort begins and the exploration and discovery. Have you ever noticed that fairies and trolls add things to existing piles when you aren’t looking? Sometimes they…

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Snow Fog

If you happen to be driving through this pea soup, please use full headlights. It is easy to forget that the running lights that light our way, leaves our back ends invisible to those behind us. Share this and save a life. Thanks!

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Snow Fog

You awake to an eerie silence, rush to the window and see…, nothing. The snow has white washed the world with a thick coating of white. It isn’t too cold, it isn’t too warm, but visibility is about three feet. What a strange phenomena and an interesting way for monsters to hide. What exactly lurks…

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Stiff and Sore

Some days the people I love wake up feeling like a truck had run them over in the night. If they were dragons they could drink a brew and of course the beast that ran them over would be a charging cattle. The brew would either work to make their muscles fluid and relaxed or…

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Wind blown and snotty

We traversed the highways and made it to my folks yesterday with the wind sweeping across the plains and trying to shove us in a ditch. It was a wild ride, but the plows were out keeping the snow from piling up, which we appreciate. Like all long trips we made a number of stops…

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Orange and tea

If you are looking for an outstanding cup of tea, fetch yourself a big mug and put the kettle on. Cut up and orange and take a big meaty slice and juice part of it in the cup and throw in the rind, it adds flavor to the rest. Then add some crystallized ginger to…

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Chocolate is a food group that should be exempt from calculation on diets. Let me start with that qualifier and explain that I watch my cholesterol and saturated fats very carefully, but chocolate is allowable in small doses. That being said, Linder makes a really good truffle. They do an exceptional job with strawberries and…

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Fortunately we are not hitching up a wagon to a pair of fractious cattle and working our way through the snow, but we are traveling on old earth’s interstate system. It is always an adventure when we go somewhere, see new things and feed my overactive imagination. This time we are specifically visiting my parents,…

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Do you hate waiting? I can be extraordinarily patient about certain things, but waiting for others to do their job so I can do mine, is not one of those instances. Presently I am waiting on the doctor to call in a prescription or call me for an appointment. I am going to start nagging…

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