
”That is the way things have always been done,” people grump as if that is a viable defense for doing something one way as opposed to another. I actually enjoy traditions, doing something the way my grandmother or great grandmother did things, but I am not stuck in the past either. All too often dragons…

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Like everyone, I suppose, I detest waiting. I plan my life to have as little blank wait time as possible. In the event that I am stuck waiting for someone or something I bring a book, or plot a story, or watch people, or have a discussion, some kind of planned activity. I seldom find…

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Like all good writers, I spend a portion of my day consuming words as well as producing them. Some days it is Feehan, some days it is Leigh. If my mood is right it is Bishop or Garwood. Roberts is always a possibility, Howard touches my heart every time. I read multi genre, various time…

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I am anxious to spend part of the day outside, getting parts of the yard ready for plowing, another part prepped for flowers. The only challenge is dressing warm enough not to freeze, but not so warm that I melt beneath the clothing. It is a fleece kind of day to be sure. Planning the…

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Coming Soon

The Heartsinger is almost ready to meet the world. It had a few growing pains along the way, but everything does. All indications are it will be ready by 12:01 on the 10th of March 2018. The link on my website will not be live until later…possibly. My tech wizard Bryon and manager, creator and…

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Ankles and Toes

A pain in the ankle or toe can stop you from moving, even though it is not the part you necessarily need, but the pain tends to radiate in all directions at once. The same is true of fingers and wrists, but they can at least be babied without having to park yourself in one…

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Jelly Beans

As we see the Easter candy fill the shelves at the store, the one I am most drawn to is an old fashioned flavor. I love black licorice, that smooth ripe flavor of anise. The best of course is Brachs, but I can make do with any black jelly bean. I buy them by the…

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Information Gathering

In the process of trying to find out what is going on in our country, as a concerned citizen and conscientious voter, I actively seek out various points of view on the news. Some I agree with, some I do not and others I simply find interesting. Where three sources from three differing points of…

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