Julia’s Latest Posts
Making it Easy
In our highly modernized world, you can shop to make things easy. After spending the day packing yesterday, I suggested to my dear partner Shawn, that we run out to Walmart, get a roasted chicken and a few sides. Naturally we added to the list, then I drove as I need as much practice as…
Read MoreOur New House
Closing on the new house is on Thursday, the 18th. In celebration we are encouraging people to download Gordon’s Pride for free on Amazon during the October 19, 20, 21, or 22 weekend. Tell all your friends, this is a chance to get the first book for free. It is not likely to happen again.…
Read MoreDrive through
We drove to a neighboring town with more traffic, went through a drive through, and I parked, filled up with gas, and put on a few miles. The more I drive the easier it gets. In towns, out of towns, two lanes, four lanes, in and out of traffic. It is coming back. At the…
Read MoreDriving
After more than 20 years, getting behind the wheel and driving in traffic was a bit tense. I say that now after several doses of Tylenol and a good nights sleep, but hopefully it will be easier today, and easier still tomorrow. The permit test was interesting. They had iPads set up to give the…
Read MoreSweety’s New Home
So my parents have taken in the dog, and despite the training demands and the energy of a puppy, they are enjoying her. It turned out to be a great deal for all of them. Last night while we were talking, the pup had strewn chew and dog toys all across the house, creating a…
Read MoreDriving… again
It has been a long time since I had a drivers license, but today we went and I took the test and got my permit. I am going to spend the next two weeks practicing and hopefully After a little practice, I’ll take the road test and get my license. I would put it off even…
Read MoreOur Hopeful House on Closing
It looks like everything is moving along. In ten short days we close and the hopeful house will be ours!!😍😺👍 The inspection report was fantastic, lots of little things to fix, radon to mitigate, some electrical to update, nothing that cannot be done and nothing that will cost more than the house or even half…
Read MoreHome Inspection
Well, life is interesting… there had been no previous reports of radon or lead, no previous reports lulled us into a false sense of security. The previous owners had lived there a long time, since before radon was a known carcinogen and cause for lung cancer. So our plan is to have it mitigated, evicted…
Read MoreSweety the Pup
My parents are wonderful people and a new pup was just what they needed. Sweety has found a place in their home and is very lucky to be so joyously welcomed, but of course she now thinks it’s her due. Francie, their aging German Shepherd, is even tolerant of the much smaller and highly energetic…
Read MoreRules for Writing
Beyond the grammar rules and publishing guidelines, formatting demands and marketing rules, crafting a story is pretty lawless. Generally you need a beginning, middle, and an end. In most cases you need rising tension, climax and a reasonable story arch, although notable exceptions can be found among readers favorites. Critics think they determine the worth…
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