Julia’s Latest Posts
My dad got 8 🐥 in early March. It is amazing how quickly they grow and hit adolescence. Currently hey all have feathers and are working on their crests and amassing weight. If the weather holds we are hoping to put them outside instead of under their protective heat lamp. Their tub is almost too…
Read MoreSpringing Up
So no matter that the world is facing a plague and people are locked out of work and wondering how they will survive the coming months,- spring has arrived. The planet keeps on turning and the seasons continue to change no matter what human concerns may consume us. Here in northern Illinois, spring is making…
Read MoreFantasy
When reality gets to be too much, fantasy is always a good break. No matter what continent, country, state or town you happen to live in, the world can be frightening right now. Take a break and swim with a fish, talk to a pig, converse with the rabbits, or take a flight with one…
Read MoreGrief and a Mess
I lost my mother in mid-February. It was gut wrenching and unbelievably sad. Of course the world shortly after exploded with a virus that took our country by storm. As I write this today, we have passed 2,000 deaths in the USA and I am not so self-centered that I don’t realize that every one…
Read More2020 Plague: A Beginning
When the humans of old Earth faced their first plague in 2020, the global population began to split themselves into 4 distinct categories. It was hard to imagine where those categories would eventually go, but little by little as things devolved on the planet the separations became clearer and more distinct. In the beginning their…
Read MoreScary Stuff
I have always been someone who avoids the nightmarish stories that others love. My imagination makes horror stories come to life and grow and thrive inside my imagination. That being the case, I sensor, sensor, sensor. That or give up sleeping. The thing is, when the world is shifting under our feet whether because of…
Read MoreSpring is in the Air
The start of spring has always held hope. Hope that the floods won’t be so bad. Hope that the babies born will live. Hope that sunny days will outnumber the cloudy rainy ones. But most of all… hope that winter will finally be over and life will once again sprout from the ground with new…
Read MoreCorona Virus
Making jokes about this pandemic is in poor taste, but this one is irresistible. I’d say something about this virus, but you might not get it. 😀 Be well, be safe, and please, read a book and write a review.
Read MoreRamblings
Having a head cold is always interesting, but having it at the beginning of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak is enlightening. People are so much better than you would think. Nobody backed away from me, nobody made the sign of the cross. I was not chased out of the public square by pitchfork wielding maniacs, nor…
Read MoreMeasure a Good Day
Most of my adult life I was a teacher. A good day was when kids learned. I also favored the ones when I did not have to call cops, social workers, psychiatrists, or Doctors to help keep my students alive. That being said, I am no longer teaching, but instead I am working in sales.…
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