Busy Evening
Well it all started when Shawn, the best husband in the world, suggested trying a new recipe he found on line. It is French Onion Soup Spaghetti. I thought it was the perfect day since it wasn’t nearly as hot as it had been, we have the living room ac set to dehumidify and the kitchen fan set to exhaust. Rain was coming, storm alerts, but who cares, let’s cook.
We combined homemade from scratch and Campbell’s amazing French onion soup. It was simmering, cooking, the pasta was in, and the tornado sirens went off. We raced around, shutting off burners, unplugging, storing, saving, headed towards the basement. Dinner would be ruined, but we would survive.
We were sheltered, alerted my dad, checked on neighbors, buttoned down and ready and it passed us quickly, never touching down. We came upstairs and the pasta was perfect. I added the cheeses, called the people we needed to and were able to pop open a beer and have dinner. It was amazing!

Here is hoping everyone is safe and sound, storm protected, and headed for a good night’s sleep. Priorities are important, but dinner turned out fabulous!😃🍻