Books as Gifts

Giving a book as a gift can be tricky, depending on how prolific and how picky your gift recipient may be. For instance, my brother reads continuously. If a new book came out in a series he was reading or from a favored author, I might be tempted to buy him a copy and give it to him for an occasion, however he would likely have already purchased and read the book before the holiday arrived.

I have found, however, that he is thrilled with a gift card to any book selling establishment, or a signed copy of a book.

Another thought is to gift a friend or a relative with a relatively undiscovered author, giving the friend an opportunity to begin a series in the beginning and giving an unknown author a boost. As a relatively unknown author, I heartily approve of this idea.

So think about encouraging literacy, reading, and writing all with one gift; buy indie books for your friends and family this holiday season.