Book Signing

I went to Lisa Beard’s book signing today. People stood in line for hours to get a picture, to have her sign their book. She ran out of books in the first hour. It was amazing. She held it in the local book store and she is a teacher in the community so many of her students came out with their parents.

When it was my turn to speak with her I told her who I was, new to the area, a local author, six books out, another on the way and the eighth slated for the end of summer. I told her I had heard about her signing and my husband and I agreed to be her insurance not to be stuck in an echoing room. I congratulated her, we exchanged cards and I made way for the next person.

I have yet to do a signing because we were isolated on the farm in Missouri, with almost no ties to the community. Since being in our new home, we have been crazy busy, but maybe there is an opportunity to get connected again. We’ll have to see what the future holds.

In any case, check out Lisa Beard’s book on Amazon


  1. Tricia Kessie on March 7, 2019 at 1:42 pm

    A book signing might be just the starter you need! Sounds like fun, anyway!