Folding houses

I am showing my age, but do you remember the Jetson’s with their compact cars etc? We were talking about those cool engineered houses where you basically park and hit the button, run like hell to get out of the way, and the house forms; walls, roof, steps, porch, and everything. They are amazing, but…

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Self-cleaning Fridge

The fridge needs to be cleaned out… one of my least favorite chores, but putting that off won’t make it more pleasant, that’s for sure. Did you ever wonder why we don’t have self-cleaning fridges? I need one with a fridge frog, able to consume unwanted foods, liquids and spit out containers ready to be…

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Packing and Planning

Yesterday, I joyfully released the 5th book of the NewEarth Series to walk alone in the world. Last night, Shawn and I celebrated and went out for a wonderful dinner. Today we shopped and got things ready for our trip. We leave on Wednesday. First to see my parents, drop off Jethro and mosey on…

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Porter is an interesting character with some interesting ties to the territory when he shows up chasing LeeAnn at the end of book 4. You have the sense he is destined to stay when Grabon puts him in charge of Zack, but he becomes an important figure in book 5 helping out with things and…

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Waiting on Kindle

NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia Schmeelk

Grabon’s Nest is going out in the world. All the steps are taken, the last form and blank filled in, the kindle version will go live as soon as Amazon deems it ready. The print versions on sale now! The kindle is hopefully soon to follow, watch Amazon and of course my website, for…

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Step Done

NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia Schmeelk

Getting closer, I now have the proof and I am going over it. Hang onto your hats, Grabon’s Nest will be coming soon,

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What would you take?

If you are like me, I take five sets of clothes for a three day trip and a full separate bag of toiletries, first aid, meds, tweezers, scissors etc. I have never been accused of traveling light. I find the idea of being caught without something I need more of a sign of poor planning…

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Book 5 update

Still no approval to move onward to the next step, so we continue to wait. This is the hard unpredictable part of it all and the reason it is impossible for me to say it will all go through on a given date unless I set the date way ahead. Be patient, I will visually…

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CP Sheppard Author

The Author of Flint of Dreams wrote the following about Gordon’s Pride. “Julia Schmeelk Author This book is excellent! You are very good at merging dialogue and narration to create a whole new world. Gordon and Hannah are a fascinating pair, each with unique qualities and powers. The dragon race is also very interesting. Great…

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