Summer Birds

Have you ever stopped to look at all the different feathered friends in your area during the summer? Ducks, cranes, egrets and herons join the geese around waterways. A rainbow of colors grace the feeders as birds of every size and type stop in to get seeds. Grubs, slugs and worms fall prey to lots…

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Heron and Trissy

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

In book 2 Heron is relieved that he had told Trissy about the fires that had destroyed his earlier life. They did a lot of talking in his dreams so he wouldn’t have to relive the memories. I was thinking about including those discussion in posts as well as some of their other conversations. Is…

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Would You Go?


When the human settlers first arrived on NewEarth, determined to protect the environment but addicted to technology, how much disposable tech  do you think they brought? I bet they had solar chargers for devices they thought they needed, weapons and even some communication devices. Only later, after they were faced with what to do with…

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Sight Seeing

Last night I was unable to blog anything because our WiFi signal was so weak. I couldn’t FaceTime my parents either, but I was at least able to call. It is funny how some signals are stronger than others and determine what you can and cannot do on line. It can be frustrating, but it is…

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Rest Areas

Driving across our country gives a traveler a unique view of rest areas. Some had flush toilets, some only mulching toilets and others still with other technologies for processing human waste. The same for sinks, some had fresh water, others had hand sanitizer; we found auto start/shut off on sinks, and push button faucets were…

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NewEarth1 - GordonsPride - by Julia Schmeelk

We rarely meet people we don’t enjoy, from the waiter at the pizza joint, sweating and straining to serve everyone to the lady manning the hotel desk. Shawn and I enjoy our encounters with people. We often strike up conversations with strangers at odd times and in odd places, but last night we broke our…

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Cattle Pulling a Wagon

As we move along, admiring the spectacular western scenery, I squint and imagine what it must have been like five to seven hundred years ago. Then I change some of the trees to red, put a dragon or two in the sky, others perched on Messas and shine a green light on everything. My focus…

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Planet’s Abilities

If you have been reading the NewEarth Series, you have some ideas already of what types of abilities the planet offers to humans and dragons alike. Is there a particular one that appeals to you? If you could choose only one, what ability would it be? Which character has it? and… and this is difficult,…

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As a youth, awandering from territory to territory before he met Heron and even after, do you think Grabon was a polite guest, following most of the rules of courtesy? Did he get invited into the territory nest often? I can see him aggressively demanding information, debating the territory dragon’s rules and challenging his reasons.…

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