Looking and Shopping

I remember when we would come out from Alaska and walking through a store felt like a museum, with too many things to look at and not enough eyes to see. So we have been slowly hitting stores with interesting items and unusual tidbits of fun.  Of course none of the shops are like my…

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Before Trissy met Heron in the flesh and she was following the impulse of a dream, moving when the separation between mates made staying still intolerable, she had no idea what was happening. It was like an illness, a fever she could never shake and after being so sick, surviving all those deaths and saving…

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My friend is visiting from Alaska. She is here with her daughter and we are enjoying a week filled with fun and play before she goes back to her classroom and I sink back into the world of NewEarth. Yesterday we went and bought 75lbs of fruit to mess with; 25lbs of peaches, cherries and…

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Heron and Trissy

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

Trissy struggled not to let Heron see what his descriptions of his past meant to her or how she felt like she could not compare to his first love. It is terrible to have a ghost rival, a memory to compete with that is enshrouded in perfection. Trissy was not so secure in her own…

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We have friends visiting this week. It is lovely to have them here and so exciting to share news in person. We are also trying to add some adventure, a few thrills, some special memories to their trip down below. At the end of their week they set off again, back toward the top of the…

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Baby Dragons

Baby dragons are born with small wings that grow as they do. In early adolescence the wings grow to full size and the muscles need to be exercised and strengthened before they can learn to fly. By fifteen cycles most dragons can fly, feed themselves and generally live independent of their parents. But they are…

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NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

Heron had eighteen cycles living with his family before the fires. Then he met Grabon. Do you think Heron would have been willing to form a friendship with Grabon if his family had been alive? When they died in the fire, he was still trying to earn their approval despite his strong connection to the…

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Home at Last

After traveling, there is great comfort in your own bed, your own pillow, your own bathroom. This morning I woke beyond early and sat in my own kitchen sipping tea. It was a grand adventure, an excellent trip we had, but it is also good to be home. I am giving away a free book…

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Lars and Hipita

For those of you who are anxiously awaiting the sixth NewEarth novel, I can tell you that the main character is Lars and he finds acceptance with many; but most especially with his mate, Hipita.

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Crazy Horse

If you ever have an opportunity to stop and see the mountain sculpture of Crazy Horse, do that. It is amazing, but even more so is the education center, the college, the plans that stretch far into the future offering employment and purpose to a group of people who are often marginalized. In today’s world…

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