FREE Last Day

NewEarth3-Heartsinger - By Julia Schmeelk

This is the final day for my free sale for The Heartsinger: NewEarth3. I am thrilled that so many people took the opportunity to download it and I hope they all read it and enjoy. The story of Dotty and Tad is a special one. Let me know who makes you want to tear your…

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Every job has hard parts, out of control parts, those things that make us cringe or stall. As a writer I enjoy the rough draft, the grittiness of world building and character development. The second pass where action is added, movement, even gestures, hand motions and facial expressions. The third pass where emotion is built…

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Human Arrogance

Grabon's Nest and Heron's Hut

Heron warns Grabon about the dangers of human arrogance, cautioning him that humans are no better than dragons when it comes to thinking they know everything, judge everything, especially what they do not fully understand. We see it all the time, one human presuming to know what is best for someone else and trying to…

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NewEarth Character Map

There are maps and then there are maps. Take a look at this one. You probably won’t find the rivers and mountains, but it might give you an idea about how the series works. For more information, check out the website at and see out the reader’s resources. some characters have been added to…

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For today and tomorrow you can download a free copy of The Heartsinger from Amazon or follow the links on my website. The 3rd book, The Heartsinger, is where the territory comes up with the idea of the market, where partnerships are consoludated between Hess, Tad, Pit, and Thane. It is where the readers find…

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Free for Kindle

NewEarth3-Heartsinger - By Julia Schmeelk

This weekend only, 8/25-27 The Heartsinger can be downloaded for free. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to find out about this epic fantasy romance world where dragons and humans are learning to get along. The Heartsinger is a special story of Tad unexpectedly finding the woman that is his perfect psychic match and…

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Renewable Energy

The Market - 1900

A reader asked why I didn’t give the settlers a renewable source of energy and the technology to harvest it and put it to use. This is a great question. The planet gives everyone the energy they need, but this reader was talking about technology as we know it. I considered that leaving earth, even…

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Deception is a funny thing. As humans we talk about deception as if it were immoral, yet actors are deceptive. We admire actors. A police officer without deceptive skills would end up dead, or put behind a desk. Cops are the good guys. A doctor who showed all his feelings and was not deceptive would…

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Did I deliberately set out to write my own version of pioneers and aliens? No, not exactly, although I can tell you I have read and reread every Louis L’Amour I ever had my hands on and many other westerns besides. I grew up tent camping, roughing it, and finding it fun to leave behind…

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The Hat

It is all about the hat, today. We decided to take poor Jethro on a picnic. All his doggy life he has loved going out and picnicking whether we made a fire or not, but with his skin bursting open, half his hair falling out, fighting infection and generally being uncomfortable, he has not had…

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