Posts by Julia Schmeelk
Porter’s Acceptance
Porter may not have been the most likable when he first arrives hunting LeeAnn, unconvinced that Golly was worth saving, and skeptically looking over Grabon’s Territory, wondering why one of the humans was not in charge. Of course he has grown since his arrival in the territory. He was assigned to Zack, has learned to…
Read MoreLars
Being a dragon of a certain age relieves him of the need to constantly be on the lookout for a possible mate. It is seldom that a male past 100 cycles finds his mate and rarer still that the couple decides or is able to grow the bond successfully between them. Maybe because they are…
Read MoreFits and Starts
My life is a series of fits and starts, wait and hurry, delay and leap, stand-still and move demands. It always has been, and I wonder if others experience the same frustrations with the pacing of events as I do? We are getting the house! 🏠 This is positively joyful 😄, we are excited. That…
Read MoreExploding the Sauce
I would bet I am not the only person who has ever forgotten to put a lid on something in the microwave. I heard the pop and knew I had created a mess. What was going to be a simple meatball sandwich, made an artistic splash within the microwave. Cooking disasters, accidents, and messes are…
Read MoreEating 🍎🍎🍎
My parents dog grew up in a house with an orchard and even through this last move, they still have an ample supply and variety of apples for her to choose from. There are at least five apple and two pear trees in the new place. This morning on the great morning apple hunt, she…
Read MoreDragon Nests
Some nests are made of sticks, some of mud, some of clay. Grabon’s is stones set in clay, others have stacked stone and wood. The universal thing about most nests is they are open to the air on top and shielded by power, but without a roof. Those particular dragons who want something different often…
Read MoreCooking
Cooking regular healthy, interesting meals takes a lot of planning and preparation. A person can spend endless hours looking up recipes, let alone actually cooking anything. After the planning is done, the daunting task of shopping begins, assembling all needed ingredients in one place as well as the tools needed to prepare everything. Anyone who…
Read MoreThe Building Inspection
The history of a house turns out to be important. It is not just about who lived and died there, who got married, fell in love or divorced, but the whole idea of what parts came first, what got added, when was the roof last patched and how old is the oldest timber. It turns…
Read MoreThe Yard
Playing with my dad in the yard is always fun. You never know what project he is currently working on, what new bed of flowers he has planted, or what amazing surprises he has hidden in a treasure trove of green. My dad was putting faces on the trees long before it was a thing,…
Read MoreCoffee with Dad
Getting up early and letting the dogs out. It’s something my dad and I have been doing together most of my adult life when we’re under the same roof. Then we meet in the kitchen for that first rich cup of coffee. This morning was no different. He reached the coffee pot long before I…
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