Hopeful House

Excitement builds. The building inspection is Wednesday, naturally we are going to be there, and also taking Sweety to her forever home. My parents are interested in adoption. With fingers crossed and breath held we are hoping this is the house of our dreams. Everything looks fantastic. All systems seem to be go. Arrangements are…

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Heron’s Bonds

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

How many stories are in each of your books? Someone asked me recently; and I shrugged, because I don’t use a pattern, so it is never the same number. I do tend to have several stories going on at the same time. I always thought that made for an interesting read as long as they…

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Lars and Porter

NewEarth - Human and Dragon Symbol

The story of their partnership and dedication to Grabon’s Territory is interesting, because they have some similarities. As people read acceptance, I am anxious to see what they think of Porter and his growing and changing role in the territory. Lars is a known representative of the council, the dragon council. Porter represented the human…

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Blind Dragon

Hipita and Lars

I wanted Hipita to be visually impaired, but I realized as I was building her character that a challenge in the vision senses was going to be pretty profound among the dragons. Not that being visually impaired among humans isn’t tough, it is. However being a dragon with poor eye sight is maybe a little…

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A Moment of Clarity

There are always moment of clarity in our lives, when we stop and see things clearly, without all the garbage that clogs our brains. Because we are human, that sometimes happens at inconvenient moments. I have been lucky enough to notice when they happen, to make note of the smells, the way the light dims…

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FREE Today! Heron’s Bonds

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

  In honor of my husbands birthday I am giving away kindle versions of the book, NewEarth2: Heron’s Bonds the 2nd of the NewEarth Series. It is a great story. Heron, Grabon’s ompanion, finds his mate. As a human who has traveled for 30cycles with a dragon he has forgotten what little he knew about…

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Running Fence

Imagine Jethro, our old dog, with his erupting skin condition, arthritic joints, and puppy brain. He was running and leading Sweety, the new found pup that looks mostly like an Australian Sheppard but only half size, up and down along the fence. Next to them, on the other side of the fence, we’re three full…

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Sexual Equality

Do people really believe that equality for women means that men can give only the parts of their traditional power that they want to? Not the parts they traditionally abused? Not the parts they are afraid women will abuse?  Women have always known that a man had the power to ruin them with a well…

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FREE Heron’s Bonds

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover

On Thursday in honor of Shawn’s 59th birthday I am offering NewEarth 2: Heron’s Bonds for FREE for three consecutive days, the 27th, 28th, and the 29th. On the weekly calendar that will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Grab a copy, load it onto your phone, there are many great quotes and…

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Differences Anyone?

An image of dragons and humans playing together

If we shared space,here on this earth, with another dominant, arrogant species and every law, every rule, every public cultural tidbit needed to be inclusive, would we develop species pride, much the way people look at racial pride? I suspect we would, and society would have no mercy on the child that came from both…

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