Hopeful House ๐Ÿก

We saw the house yesterday. It is really great, lots of room for us, lots of room for our stuff, even a fenced yard for the dog. In town but quiet, less than 10 minutes from my parents, tucked away behind and around municipal buildings and in an established neighborhood. The house is part of…

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๐Ÿ and ๐Ÿง›โ€โ™€๏ธ

Well it all started because I wasnโ€™t watching where a I put my feet. You see I was working with my dad and we were managing two curly hoses, a bottle of poison, and a ton of mosquitoes. My parents have a bit of a problem with the blood sucking monsters, so we were doing…

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Travel Success

We made the trip with two dogs and survived! The activity level was a little starteling, especially as she bounded to the back, perched on the suitcase for the best view and proceeded to chew on some unknown object. After a few trips to the front with her plan to sit on the dashboard stymied,…

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Fabulous Day!

Book 6 is coming together! Tomorrow we travel, Wednesday we go to see the new house for the inspection, we are taking Sweety to my parents, I finished myย edits and everything is falling into place, phew! Oh, and I got this fabulous 5โญ๏ธreview on Amazon for Heronโ€™s Bonds! It is an amazing day! Sandy Signing…

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In every one of the NewEarth books, equality is a theme. The equal treatment of humans and dragons, the equal treatment of dominants vs nondominants. Even the equal treatment of territory dragons and clan dragons. They debate fair as opposed to equal, they discuss the value and consequences of equality, and they note each difference…

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An image of dragons and humans playing together

Can you imagine the responsibility of being the territory dragon? You are not only the judge, jurry, and executioner, you are the voice of reason, kindness, protection and limits. As a territory dragon you make the rules for your territory, you also enforce those rules, recruit your clan and train your fighters. It is is…

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Davidโ€™s ๐ŸŽ‚

My nephew is legally an adult. I remember when we found out Heike was pregnant, much less the day he was born. He is a brilliant kid, not necessarily at school stuff, but he lights up a room. He is social, fun to be around. He helps out his grandparents. He is always willing to…

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Last Day!

I love giving books away and this has been a good one. The promotion ends at midnight tonight, so be sure to download a copy before then. Heronโ€™s Bonds is a favorite of mine, not only telling the story of Trissy, Jenny, and Mattie, but the formation of Grabonโ€™s clan. You also see Hanna and…

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Puppy Adventures

Sweety and Jethro have become friends and that is a good thing since they are living in the same house. My very special Jethro has never had the opportunity to mentor a puppy and he obviously takes the responsibility seriously. He is doing his best to help her out and keep her out of trouble.…

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Editing ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Do you know the hardest part of editing? It is not seeing all the marks on the pages; over 600 pages for one of my books filled with corrections, suggestions, alternatives and possibilities. I plow through those, reading everything turning the marks on and off, seRch my vocabulary and rephrase without difficulty. It is not…

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