Posts by Julia Schmeelk
Bad Weather
Natural disasters bring out the best and the worst in people. I sincerely hope that everyone effected by this hurricane is safe and well sheltered. Rebuilding takes time, but may it be done with a minimum of drama and expense and may all the ducks line up at the same time. Our weather systems and…
Read MoreDriving
After more than 20 years, getting behind the wheel and driving in traffic was a bit tense. I say that now after several doses of Tylenol and a good nights sleep, but hopefully it will be easier today, and easier still tomorrow. The permit test was interesting. They had iPads set up to give the…
Read MoreSweety’s New Home
So my parents have taken in the dog, and despite the training demands and the energy of a puppy, they are enjoying her. It turned out to be a great deal for all of them. Last night while we were talking, the pup had strewn chew and dog toys all across the house, creating a…
Read MoreDima: Dragon Council Member
In book 6, Acceptance, Lars and Porter are on a mission and meet Dima, a council member. Lars of course knows her, but Porter has never had that pleasure. To complicate matters, she has never met a human. He offers her tea, as they have hot water on the fire, and she accepts, obviously curious.…
Read MoreDriving… again
It has been a long time since I had a drivers license, but today we went and I took the test and got my permit. I am going to spend the next two weeks practicing and hopefully After a little practice, I’ll take the road test and get my license. I would put it off even…
Read MoreHipita
Hipita is quite the character. She was raised in the healing nest of Dima’s territory, a dragon that is old, wise, and sits on the council. Hipita was left their as a youngster, because she was blind. Now she is not completely blind, but dragons tend to take their vision very seriously. Any flaw in…
Read MoreBryon’s Unbelievable Skills
Bryon; my computer, promotion, and go to guy, is always coming up with new ideas and ways to improve our public appearances. I call him and tell him about this or that I want to add, a new picture or another book and he rearranges and somehow makes it all fit together. Not everyone has…
Read MoreGrabon as a Mate and Father
In the beginning it was easy to see Grabon drinking and throwing dice with his friends, sharing stories and experiences with Heron and even hiding his intelligence as he watched the funny humans. He of course came out of that role after meeting Hanna, claiming his territory and beginning to set up his clan, but…
Read MoreOur Hopeful House on Closing
It looks like everything is moving along. In ten short days we close and the hopeful house will be ours!!😍😺👍 The inspection report was fantastic, lots of little things to fix, radon to mitigate, some electrical to update, nothing that cannot be done and nothing that will cost more than the house or even half…
Read MoreLars and the Past
Without giving anything away, Lars and his brother Taz come from the shadow clan, a clan that was completely destroyed by a twisted dragon who used mind control, killed the territory dragon and his mate, trapped clan members in the territory and set key people, nests and landmarks on fire, scorching the territory using the…
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