The Heartsinger

NewEarth3 - The Heartsinger - by Julia Schmeelk

Can you imagine anything worse than realizing that the sister that has been both a challenge to love and a joy is really a killer? She confessed to being responsible for the tragic accident that killed your father a few days ago and left the two of you alone in the cold. Dotty heard it…

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Colors and Markings

The Six Dragons of Grabon's Territory

In the NewEarth stories, the humans are either light or dark skinned, meaning they are all mixed lineage and race. The recruits that joined    EarthCorps expidition and settlement were from all over the globe, spanning all the continents of earth. Making the humans various shades of brown, with brown eyes and brown hair, hardly…

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Old Dear Friend

A great old friend came by, took us out to dinner before climbing back into his house on wheels and moving on down the road. He had called to say he might be in the area sometime this weekend. To our shock he was here before 4 pm. We visited, laughed, and enjoyed the meal…

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Mice And Packing

During my two years in this house, I have systematically been poisoning the mice. The long term residence and any newcomers from the fields. The general theme of homicide has given me nightmares, but cohabitation with such messy creatures can be unbearable when they have zero respect for personal property. From the time I was…

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Spider and Toothpaste

It might be spider season, but I was not a happy person while I was brushing my teeth yesterday morning and glanced up at my reflection and saw a spider crawling across my face. With toothpaste in one hand and toothbrush and foam on the other, I smacked myself, only to realize the spider was…

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Challenges *book 6 info

NE6 -Acceptance

 In book 6: Acceptance, the territory develops the challenge field. To clarify, Grabon and Heron spent many cycles fighting challenges in other territories. Heron was known as a fierce pet, fighting by Grabon’s side against teams of challengers. He even fought challenges alone against dragons who were determined to test his skill and suspected that…

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Age Categories


Writing fantasy and not having half naked women with weaponry does not automatically place the story in the young adult category. The NewEarth Series is not considered for people under 18 because of the themes, ages of the characters, topics, sexuality, and concerns of the characters. However, I never object to readers, so if someone…

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NewEarth3-Heartsinger - By Julia Schmeelk

Someone asked me where the idea of a Heartsinger came from, and I have to admit I have no idea. What I do know is that humans, and the dragons I created, have a long history of hiding their emotions from others and from themselves. Those emotions hold a great deal of destructive power and…

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Busy Morning!

The best laid plans can be derailed at the drop of a hat. We were getting through the morning pill routine, you almost have to be over 50 to get this. I have pills, he has pills, we have pills we take together. Some require food, some don’t, some cause me to use the bathroom…

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The plan is coming together

Long day and we have done almost no packing yet. However, we are a lot closer to being ready to move. How can that be? you asked, well let me tell you. I passed the drivers test, filled out all the paperwork, got my picture taken and now hold a Missouri lisence to drive. We…

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