Coming Home

After a whirlwind trip back to Missouri to clean and grab the last of everything, taking a shower in my own warm bathroom was wonderful. The old farm house always had its charms, but central heat was not one of them. The bathroom was one of the coldest rooms in the house. We are so…

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Adventure Continues

As with all adventures there was drama, not only the, sniff, goodbyes to people we care about and animals we have spent time with, but vehicular drama. Have you ever had your breaks pull in one direction and your steering wheel try to spin in another? It turns out that is a costly problem to…

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Back Again

We have returned…and armed with cleaners, duster, carpet cleaner and rags, I am going to blow like a tornado through that house, packing, cleaning and getting it all done so we can blow out again. Shawn with drill in hand is going to remove all the hooks and screws we added, also policing the outdoors…

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Dragons and Humans

NewEarth - Human and Dragon Symbol

There are many physical differences between humans and dragons, yet they catch many of the same diseases, and can be treated with the same brews and energy. They are different about how they mature  and when; but humans sexually mature first, as do dragons. Later they physically, intellectually, and emotionally mature. Dragons fly, humans walk,…

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Advice for the weekend, be nice. It costs nothing and yields huge rewards! We are off adventuring until Monday evening. We may or may not find the internet where we are going. In the meantime, be healthy, happy, and enjoy your own adventures. If you happen to have a free moment, pick up one of…

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White World

During the night, a white blanket of snow fell and is still falling as I write this. I am not ready for winter to arrive when I still have bulbs to plant and I wanted to do some ground prepping for springing our new yard. However, I am aware that I do not get to…

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An image of dragons and humans playing together

There are a number of friendships that were established before the stories got started and many others that developed while readers were involved. The relationships between Grabon and his friends Brom, Rok, Pit, Thane and Griss were strong before they joined him in the territory, but they grew and expanded once the truth about his…

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Doorway Bars

If you have never had to install these bars, be thankful. It takes five hands, screws and a drill. In addition, you have to know who they are aimed for because each person uses a door approach differently. However if you happen to need assistance with doors and stairs and getting in and out of…

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Anyone who has moved into an older home knows that setting the bathroom can be a chore. In this case we needed to remove an old established and broken shower rod, find and put up a curtain that I can enjoy. We naturally settled on two: one for inside the shower and a different for…

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Romance, Language, & Territory Names

An image of dragons and humans playing together

Each novel in the NewEarth Series holds at least one romance, or forming of the mating bond, but it is not all focused on the mating pair, it is a continuation of the building of the territory. Each novel adds another piece to the expanding territory so that a whole new culture and society is…

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