Dragon Day!

This morning, in the rain, I deflated our sopping wet 🎅, the blow-up kind, and put out my dragon to herald in the New Year! It was an adventure since he is not as simple as the blow up figures we have dealt with before. This guy comes with directions, a built in stand and…

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Grabon and the Youngsters

NewEarth Dragons - Snowball Fight

Whether human or dragon, Grabon has an obvious enjoyment of youngsters and youth. He plays with them, an unusual practice for a territory dragon, but he has no shame in the practice. As a matter of course, he includes the youngsters in clan activities, planning for them as well as any other member of his…

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Holiday Fun

Christmas in my family has to do with gathering, exchanging gifts, ideas, and getting to know everyone’s stories and most recent adventures. It rarely includes sports, often has interesting food, and the activities range from games to conversation. It always goes off without a hitch despite the odd kitchen disasters, like spilled sticky stuff, explosions…

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The Hunter

NewEarth7 - The Hunter

I have the first 100 pages back from Jo, needless to say over the holiday it is not going to get much attention, however it does mean that things ar moving again. Again I want to apologize for the delays and let people know that book 7 will come out by February 1, 2019. I…

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Holiday Thanks!

Like a lot of people, I make a point of gifting homemade cookies and such to people who are often unacknowledged but contribute greatly to the quality of my life. I am sure it would have been entertaining watching Shawn and I packaging up the candied nuts and cookies for our garbage collector and our…

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Christmas Coffee

About a year ago, a friend of mine from Hawaii sent me a basket of goodies, coffee included. I hoard that stuff like it is gold and make a single cup at a time and relish the chocolate macadamia nut brew, the scent and the flavor as it fills my senses and sends caffeine rushing…

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Strange Weather

Now that we have a shovel designed for Shawn’s scooter, a snow blower, and are ready for winter, the sun is shining and it is barely below freezing. Where has winter gone? It looks like we will not have a white Christmas but at least the grass is not growing because I do not have…

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Today’s holiday adventure is all about wrapping. I don’t know about all of you, but we have been collecting wrapping paper for years and have a crazy collection of thirty or more rolls of colored, festive wrap that goes on forever. There is the tissue thin recycled type. There is the heavy double sided, the…

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I begin each of my books with a Foreword that gives a different voice to the story. Sometimes it is the voice of the council, sometimes the planet speaks for herself. Objective and removed, it is the voice of observation. I use this to give the readers information they may need to follow the story.…

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Serious Cooking

It must be getting close to Christmas because I have two pots of rouladin bubbling in my kitchen. My father drove over this morning and we set up an assembly line with Shawn and my dad and I to get the rolls made. It went off like clockwork, with a minimum of mess and drama…

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