The Backyard

The mighty Jethro had a freak accident on the stairs awhile back. Some of you may remember when I blogged about it. My aging and increasingly fragile special dog with cognitive issues, fell down the stairs to the basement. He was fine and possibly Shawn and I were more traumatized than he was. Ever since,…

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❄️ Snow ⛄️

I have to confess that I had never been real close to a running snow blower. It was not a chore I ever did and Shawn and I never had one. Needing to remove snow while having a heart condition, it made sense, and we did some research before picking out the one we wanted.…

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As a mostly sane adult, I avoid unnecessary drama, I plan for emergencies, we buy insurance and plan for the future. So we were horrified today when the gas light came on, indicating we were about to run out of gas. Allow me to rewind and fill in the background. It is snowing. Predictions are…

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Grabon’s Nest

NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia Schmeelk

I think this is really exciting. On January 25-29 I am giving away free downloads of Grabon’s Nest: NewEarth5. I know it is the fifth book in the series and a new reader might miss some of the nuances between characters, but people can pick them up and read them for story, Plot, all along…

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Toe Jam

I am sure as am not the only one who has lived a life that can be measured in toe injuries. I broke my toe just before 8th grade graduation, I was helping my mom clean the floors. Yes, it made walking in heals for the first time a bit of a challenge. In high school I broke a toe…

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Kitchen Chair

If you spend any time at my house, you realize pretty quickly that we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. So the chairs in the kitchen are very important. The table we picked up at an antique store and it came with three chairs. Shawn uses an office chair and lately I have…

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Character Map Book 7

This always has a few spoilers, so if you are concerned about learning something in advance, look away! Aside from our entire cast of characters, in book 7 we add a few more. Mox and Fost are by far the most obvious, but also Phriss, pronounced Friss, is added to the Combined Territories. Mox, mate…

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In the NewEarth Series books, the idea of being deceptive is not necessarily bad. In fact it is considered a talent for some, but a skill that requires practice for everyone. The ability to deceive an enemy is important, to distract from an action, and to distract someone to allow for something else. Treating deception…

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There are a number of different relationships that are important in the NewEarth Series. There is the sibling relationship as you see with Jamie and Janie, the sisters. Tad and Hess are a set of brothers where you see a bit of how they relate to one another, and of course in book 6 the…

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Cyber Stunts

There were warning signs about a month ago. We started looking for a glitch or an attack. Not much I can do, but Bryon my cyber expert knew what he was seRching for. He managed to start cleaning things up, and weeding things out. Comments are active again. If you left a comment in the…

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