Prequel 2

Heron Meets Grabon

You can imagine the popular response for a call to get on a spaceship, and travel to a distant planet, leave all tech behind and survive the old fashioned way, with clean air, free water, no environmental alerts and plenty of animals and plants that are edible and the ability to grow more? There was…

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Snow Removal

We got more than a foot of snow, but less than the two feet they were predicting. It gave me a chance to play with my snow blower and Shawn could use his big scoop. We were as excited as 2 kids on a snow day as we dressed to go outside and clear the…

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Humans of NewEarth

NewEarth Series - Gordon and Grabon

Going back to the origin story of NewEarth, which by the way I have half written and drafted out and currently labeled The Prequel, the humans were recruited from all over Earth. Let me set the stage… The planet earth had suffered many stages of environmental disasters as well as political upheaval. The year is…

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Great Interview

Mr. Foss contacted me on a Twitter and sent me a few questions. Answering questions for an interview when it is between me and my computer, is a lot harder than it looks. I did the best I could, but he made it sound great! For those spread out everywhere, we are among those…

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Awesome Review for my Series

“The NewEarth Series Books 1-6 5.0 out of 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ awesome reading January 16, 2019 story telling at its finest” Sometimes the shortest reviews are the sweetest! Thanks, you made my day!

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The Great Job Hunt

So I have officially begun the search and my inbox is flooded with suggestions, most of them not at all helpful as I am not inclined to get my CDL license nor am I interested in driving for Uber. I did see a post for an exotic dancer, an experience librarian and even a dog…

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NewEarth Dragons - Snowball Fight

Sometimes he is the fun loving companion, engaging in pranks and snowball fights. On other occasions he is driven to accomplish a goal and pays no attention to who is in his way like when he was building his nest. When he is being the territory dragon he is both compassionate and merciless depending on…

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Redneck Calendar

A good friend of ours, Danielle, gives my husband, Shawn, the “You Might Be a Redneck If…” calendar every year. It is something we enjoy, put up and out and go through at different times. I have no idea how many she has given us over the years, but it never gets old. The saying…

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Igor the Dragon

Well this morning it looked like Igor, the inflatable dragon, was done for the time being. The wind pulled his stakes out of the ground and he was mooning the neighbors. Fortunately the neighbors were all at work, but we still ended up having to deflate him. I went out hoping I could reposition his…

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Mind Manipulation

The ability to influence, change, detect, or penetrate someone’s thoughts is considered mind manipulation. Among the humans and dragons of the Combined Territories, we see a number of people with these types of abilities, usuallyused for good, but always with the potential of misuse if someone were to be twisted in their thinking and lacking…

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