Posts by Julia Schmeelk
Jommy and Thane
This is from NewEarth 8, a story I am sure readers are going to love. Thane of course is a dragon with a past. In the past he was often expelled from other territories for provoking others. He has no tolerance for pomposity and false arrogance. Jommy has escaped from a life of slavery. She…
Read MoreThe Wrong Kind
Every story I write, every bit of the NewEarth Series comes from some experience, some observation that I made about humanity, the natural world and ran it through my imagination and it came pouring out the other end. Generally looking very different than how it began. Mox, mate to Brom, is no different. She is…
Read MoreLast Snow 🤪
In my books, NewEarth experiences some very interesting weather, sudden storms, unseasonable cold, but that doesn’t mean I’m a fan. As a matter of fact, if I am registering a weather order I prefer between 55-65 sunny and with a light breeze. Today the weather was really pleasant and I had a chance to work…
Read MoreI had a plan…
Okay, having a plan is not necessarily the kiss of doom, but let’s face it, it does create an interesting contrast. The plan consisted of going to the conservation station so we could order compositing and rain barrels. Then we would finish the latest puppy proofing of the dog yard. Two spots needed reinforcing. One…
Read MoreNew Job
This has been an incredibly busy and fruitful week in lots of amazing ways, but let me tell you about the latest in my new job hunting adventure. As many know, I am branching out, looking for something less demanding than teaching special education. I am writing, editing and launching books as well as being…
Read MoreColors and Markings
If you have seen any of Athena’s amazing illustrations of my characters, you might have noticed that dragons have a number of very interesting colors and markings. Mia tells a good story about how those colors and markings came about, but much like skin color here on earth, it is inherited and doesn’t mean very…
Read MoreSri Lanka
It sickens and saddens my heart to hear of any group that believes that by murdering groups of people they can make a political point and back it up with influence and fear. It never proves anything but that they are monsters, with no respect for life, not even their own. Killing to make a…
Read MoreInteresting Interview
It was an old respected company, but they had many positions to fill seeing as how they were opening a number of new offices. Instead of the usual one to one interview, or even as a candidate facing a team, this was eight candidates or applicants sitting in a room for a presentation. The presenter…
Read MoreHeron’s Bonds Review
This wonderful reader gave Heron’s Bonds 5 magnificent 🌟 ”The story of New Earth continues with Heron, and how he finds his mate, Trissie, along with Trissie’s four year old sister. How they struggle to be a loving couple while adjusting to being so close to another person, not just physically, but mentally as well.…
Read MoreOpportunity Usually Knocks
I think I blogged about the solar power system we are having installed at my folks house. Well last night a help wanted advertisement for that company came across my desk. I applied, sending in my resume. Today I had the first interview over the phone. Wednesday I have another interview. Sometimes opportunity knocks down…
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