Busy Week

This is shaping up to be a super busy week, with lots of projects coming together, but not much writing happening. 😦 I got a few plants in the ground finally; planted some corn, and fixed up a bed of veggies at home. My lawn finally is beginning to look like a yard instead of…

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The Hunter

I started reading through the latest edits and I am still hopeful we will have it ready for release at the end of May beginning of June. It struck me as I was reading that Mox is a very different character than many of the other females in this series. She is strong, independent, brave,…

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First Day Off

Since I started training for this job, I went into shadowing an expert, then yesterday I stumbled and fumbled on my own meeting many of my coworkers. It was really great and I think it’s going to be a great experience. Today is my first day off. Since yesterday was Mother’s Day and after being…

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Well it isn’t like a teacher inservice, and the skills are almost immediately transferable, but it does move quickly. 4:2 ratio of new to trainers. The new tech is a challenge. Not surprising mine didn’t work. No I didn’t drop it on the floor, but they replaced it soon enough. Today and tomorrow I shadow…

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There are many concepts associated with the word family, but the ones I use most often in the NewEarth Series is the idea of loyalty. Some families work, others are broken, some have been damaged by grief and loss, others were strained by distance and shifting loyalties. Families while often looked at as blood relations…

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New Day Job

Well the day has finally arrived. I have been tested, checked, researched and today I begin the training. Hopefully it will go well. Naturally I am excited. The headquarters is a far distance, towards the city, and Shawn, my wonderful and ever so patient husband, is going to drive and wait the 4-5 hours so…

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New Reviews

I have had a recent windfall of reviews, all positive for the NewEarth Series. It is always a thrill to learn what people think of these stories that have consumed my mind and taken over my heart. Reading about other people’s enchantment with the characters, their interpretations of the stories, or just their enjoyment is…

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A really good friend of mine had his big retirement bash last night. Although we could not fly in to be there, Alaska is a long way for an evening event, we attended with a cyber connection, thanks to another good friend who held up her phone for hours. Thanks Danielle. Chris worked for 35…

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As you may have noticed, humility is not a common trait among dragons. It isn’t real common among the humans of NewEarth either, but it is even rarer among the dragons. When it shows up in Brom when his friends go to rescue his daughter, Starseth, it is almost surprising. But under that same streak…

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The last couple of days I have been helping my folks rearrange things so a delivery can be made. Today we did the last of it, removing some safety bars from the doorway. Those safety bars are important for my parents to keep them spirometer falling, to add support as they go up and down…

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