Fear Mongering

Am I the only one who finds this reprehensible? It doesn’t matter if it’s about the evils of tobacco, illegal drugs, or refugees. False information used to scare people is still false information. There is plenty to be terrified of in this world, why do we make up things and pretend they are true? If…

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Father’s Day

I have so many reasons to be grateful for my father and cherish him, but let me tell you about a few of the things he taught me. If you dig in the dirt, move blocks, or wood- wear gloves and protect your hands. It keeps you from having to stop in the middle of…

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Among my characters, those favored by the author, a common character trait that comes through all of them is resourcefulness. Whether it is Hanna crafting a statue and trading it to the peddler; or Trissy managing to survive in new woods with Jenny on their long journey, resourcefulness is something this author happens to admire.…

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New Adventures

Not only am I venturing into sales, but I am expanding my territory. I am located in a store, circulating among customers and talking about a service the company I work for offers. This past week I included a new store, spreading the news of our service and helping people take those first steps. Needless…

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Pets are ❤️

It was a sad day when my parents beloved Francie barked for the last time as the vet team came in and spared her any more suffering. She had been struggling with moving around for some time. Getting up to go outside had become more and more difficult. In the end, feces and urine were…

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Eagle and the Seagull

At one point we were living in Ouzinkie, Alaska; a truly fabulous town. From our porch we could see an eagle’s favorite perch. She was newly mature, having just gotten her stark white head feathers and she would sit in the top of her tree calling out to the sky. A seagul, full of confidence…

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The Mighty Grabon

You meet Grabon for the first time as a newly mature territory dragon, poised to claim his territory. He is nervous about his decisions, looking to Heron for approval, yet at the same time very intelligent. As the series grows and Grabon builds the territory he gains confidence in his ability to rule his clan,…

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Graduation 👨‍🎓

My wonderful nephew, David, will be graduating from high school this weekend. We are so proud of him and looking forward to seeing him reach maturity and take on the world. He is brilliant at some things, not so much in others, but above it all… he is kind. That is to everyone but his…

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Staying Busy

Have you noticed that the characters in my books are almost continuously engaged in one productive activity or another? That is because I live my life that way, dedicated to whatever activity I happen to be doing. I spend a lot of my time cooking, cleaning, gardening, writing, reading, preparing for work, working, care-taking for…

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Carpenter 🐜 Ants

During the day today, I encountered as many as eight larger, dark-colored ants inside the house. By the time I found the last one, I was worried about an invading army and a memory from my own adolescence surfaced. My parents were having some work done on the roof, probably a new layer of shingles,…

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