Independence Day!

I am a proud American. I have an immigration story on each side of my family with a cornucopia of twists and turns, one relative thought she was learning English, but it turned out to be Yiddish. Other relatives came over with a few coins and a name and address of a sponsor. There is…

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Dragon Life

What part of dragon life do you find most curious? Could it be how they learn their skills? Is it the maternity nest where a pregnant or new mother dragon spends long hours alone with her mate and youngster with only approved visitors? Or I s it the acceptance of deception as a skill that…

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I just heard back from Jo, my editor, and she claims she has started reworking the manuscript, but has nothing ready to send me. At this point we are still on hold for the month of July. To clarify- I did make a few additional changes and I reworked a scene or two… maybe a…

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Dotty and Tad

The Heartsinger, which is currently free to download from Amazon, at least until June 30th; features the beginning of the market. It is a story packed full of plans for the future, hope for a brighter tomorrow, sorrow, loss, grief, betrayal, and courage. Oh did I mention there are baby dragons? Red and Star are…

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Opposable Thumbs

The anatomy for my mammalian, sentient beings that are called dragons is very different from the classic understanding of such creatures. Oh yes, my dragons have a long neck and wings, however the wings are more bat like than those of a bird. They have arms with hands with two opposable thumbs and three fingers;…

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Rough Day

Julia and Jethro

We have been pet owners for many years, all of our lives together, as a matter of fact. It is always incredibly sad and difficult to make that final decision for a beloved pet. Our poor Jethro was struggling to walk. He had lost the ability to climb into our bed and he was able…

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Environment for NewEarth

If you look at Athena’s wonderful art and wonder about the wagons and giant animals pulling them, let me explain about the human commitment to a clean healthy environment. When the colonists left OldEarth behind, it was with a deep breath of free clean air. Portable water was costly, radiation winds frequently damaged and killed…

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The Heartsinger

NewEarth3-Heartsinger - By Julia Schmeelk

As we get ready to format The Hunter:NewEarth 7 I thought it would be a good idea to offer one of the earlier stories of the series for free for a limited time. As I hemmed and hawed over the different novels, my thinking went something like this. “I could offer Gordon’s Pride… it is…

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Dragon Sensibilities

If you think humans are sensitive, dragons have sensibilities that humans are mostly unaware of. A good example is that humans are open about their bonds with one another, while dragons are secretive about their bonds because they can be used against them. Humans may hide inside their clothing, but many capable dragons use shields…

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