Sewers and Drains

I have never aspired to be a plumber, but I know how valuable those skills are. Indoor conveniences like running water have always been high on my priority list and greatly appreciated. Having the sewer back up into my laundry room and leave a trail of sewage run off through my storage area is not…

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Acorn Squash

If you have ever grown squash you know that they have huge leaves and they defend their fruit and hide it well. It took a while but I finally found the first of the treasure hidden in the leaves. A few weeks and we’ll be cooking this along with fresh corn on a fire in…

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New Job

As I complete my second full month, I am feeling more comfortable with sales. It is very different from teaching school, very different from writing and promoting, and yet- I find some skills are definitely cross overs. The benefits are unmistakable, there is a positive culture of support, commission checks, flexible hours, and the knowledge…

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Good Friends

Like a lot of people, I have been blessed with a number of good close friends. One of the most amazing things is when a friend from one part of your life can cross those invisible lines and enter another part and integrate successfully. I had a friend I taught with for a few years…

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So we have a bad history when it comes to people coming to stay for a few days. Sometimes a fire, sometimes a flood. The curse has included a tornado and I am definitely against the pestilence part of the prophecy, but we did have an invasion of ants once and a horde of lady…

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Lasting Relationships

My stories are based on establishing long lasting relationships, an in real life I have plenty of examples to draw on. Both my grandparents had milestones marriages lasting fifty years or more and my parents just celebrated their 57th year together. Dragons live longer than humans, so their relationships that last a lifetime can span…

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The Unexpected

Like everyone, having something happen unexpectedly can be good, or it can be bad, and very often it is a bit of both. On Tuesday as I was loading the car to go over to my folks, a youngish man came up our drive on a bicycle. Somewhat sheepishly he asked if we had any…

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Environmentalist? Sure!

Someone who has never read a word I have written accused me of being an environmentalist as if it was a bad thing. I smiled and shrugged entirely prepared to let it go and walk away. They were evidently not happy with my half-grin and shrug and demanded to know what was so funny! So…

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The Garden Grows

My dad and I are gardening together, which is a wonderful thing! We have 🍅 tomato plants as small as two inches, some are two feet, and others are waist high, but our garden is growing. A few pepper plants a squash or two and things are stretching and twining and making room. We have…

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Descriptions of NewEarth

This is not the first post about describing the series, but it is an updated version based on feedback from readers. Feel free to add your own twist and give me new ideas about describing the series as well as the first five books. The series is a utopian, epic fantasy romance, filled with interesting…

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