Posts by Julia Schmeelk
Dragon Skin
Aside from pigment, dragons in my series are mammals so they are warm, but how much hair do they have? Obviously they have certain tufts of hair, visible in Athena’s drawings, across their bodies, how much hair do you think they have? Certainly they are not furry, and Starseth will never have hair like Jenny…
Read MoreSolar Installation
On the first snowy day, one day after our first winter storm, on time and with plenty of enthusiasm, our installation crew arrived. When workmen say they will be ready to start at 8 am you somehow don’t expect them to arrive shortly after 7 am to look things over, introduce themselves and start setting…
Read MoreSolar, Clean but Complicated
The solar conversion continues. It is a long process, don’t let anyone fool you, but we take one step at a time. Today the electric company pulled up, an hour before scheduled, to set up the net metering. That is the monitoring of power going to the house from the grid and the feeding of…
Read MoreBlack Friday Stories
The news is filled with tragic stories of Black Friday, as people fight to get the best deals and push and shove through massive crowds, but I have a really different view. I love finding the best deals, plotting our approach, waiting in companionable lines, sharing our quests with other modern searchers all on their…
Read MorePolitical? Humanity?
Someone recently asked me if my stories were a political commentary on the current US mess. I laughed because I originally wrote them before the current mess developed. So no, it is not directed at 2019 specifically. Rather my stories are a commentary on my understanding of humans, our interactions with one another, and as…
Read MoreAlternative Energy
On NewEarth the idea of power and energy comes from the planet. The idea of alternative energy would be human produced to power technology. The irony of course is that I am selling solar power systems in real life, now that I am retired from teaching. Can you imagine Grabon’s response to that? In another…
Read MoreMy most recent book
No, not the one I’m writing but the one I am reading. Anne Bishop is a wonderful fantasy writer and I am indulging in my favorite, her Black Jewels Trilogy. If you enjoy different versions of society, exploring irony, contradictions, and strong emotions on both side of the spectrum, check out her amazing books. Of…
Read MoreEditing is going on
As many of you probably know, I had given The Hunter, the NewEarth 7 novel to Jo, my editor, and she finally gave part of it back to me. I am going to slowly make my way through a mountain of suggestions and get that book ready for formatting and release. It is too soon…
Read MoreDragon Wisdom
Some of my dragons dispense advice, others both receive it and offer it in equal measures. Some of the advice is helpful, while other bits of wisdom are not as useful at the time. All of it helps my characters think more clearly, which is the purpose of dragon wisdom. You see, dragons know that…
Read MoreLooking for Editor
If you know of someone who is up to doing a bit of developmental editing and line by line editing for publication, let me know. They of course need to be conversant in fantasy, epic fantasy, romance, science fiction, and utopian literature. Joe, my editor for the first six books, has hit a snag in…
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