NewEarth Series - Grabon

All About Me

Evidently I was born, although I do not remember the party. Stories indicate I had a pink carnation in the nursery that I greatly admired. I was one of the lucky ones. I have a wonderful family, filled with curiosity, acceptance and more than our fair share of laughter. We have

Julia Schmeelk - Author of the NewEarth Book Series

our tragedies and trials, but somehow, we usually manage to band together and face them with as much strength as possible.

My husband and I have been together for… let’s say we met in 1983. He is not only my companion and friend, but also the guardian of my imagination. I imagine I am not easy to live with on a regular basis, especially because I am not always present where my feet are, but I also tend to babble and talk to my characters as I am plotting. Yes, he deserves a medal.

For thirty years, I was the teacher in a classroom. It was an experience I would never give up and I hope I made a difference for those students, but underneath the apple crusted desk, I was always a writer, an observer and a student of human behavior and responses. My imagination tends to fly in a million directions and it takes a cage to keep it focused.

Welcome to my world of NewEarth. I hope you enjoy the people, the setting and the story. Sign up for my newsletter to find out more about me and the world I created.

Julia's Latest Posts


By Julia Schmeelk | December 8, 2017

How many of you decorate all out for the holidays? Well, I tend to do it in stages, a little here, a little there but of course it all comes down at once, making for a very depressing day. However we are on the happy side of the equation and I have my bell earrings in and carrols playing and spiced apple and cinnamon tea to drink so it is…

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Breakfast at McDonalds

By Julia Schmeelk | December 7, 2017

If you haven’t noticed, I do a lot of cooking. It is one of the elements that comes through in my stories, but I enjoy eating when someone else does the work. This morning we happened to be out and about and stopped by McDonalds. Since we were not in a rush or headed down the road, it was a pretty big treat. I had pancakes, egg white sandwich, and…

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 3, 2017

Everyone has a favorite author, but since I read so much, I have several. Feehan is on my favorite list and has been for a long time. I love all her series, but I am especially fond of the Game Series. I find myself with two hours of extra reading time today and I am going to go through Power Game again and reread my favorite parts.

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