All About Me
Evidently I was born, although I do not remember the party. Stories indicate I had a pink carnation in the nursery that I greatly admired. I was one of the lucky ones. I have a wonderful family, filled with curiosity, acceptance and more than our fair share of laughter. We have
our tragedies and trials, but somehow, we usually manage to band together and face them with as much strength as possible.
My husband and I have been together for… let’s say we met in 1983. He is not only my companion and friend, but also the guardian of my imagination. I imagine I am not easy to live with on a regular basis, especially because I am not always present where my feet are, but I also tend to babble and talk to my characters as I am plotting. Yes, he deserves a medal.
For thirty years, I was the teacher in a classroom. It was an experience I would never give up and I hope I made a difference for those students, but underneath the apple crusted desk, I was always a writer, an observer and a student of human behavior and responses. My imagination tends to fly in a million directions and it takes a cage to keep it focused.
Welcome to my world of NewEarth. I hope you enjoy the people, the setting and the story. Sign up for my newsletter to find out more about me and the world I created.
Julia's Latest Posts
I am rereading Thea Harrison’s Elder Races Series. Has anyone else read her stuff. She does an amazing job of blending the fantasy and our current world. She is an amazing author, builds fine, strong characters and blends, myths, legends and her own special brand of fantasy with a healthy dollop of passion and history. If you get a chance, her stories are worth your time. I wrote the first…
Read MoreYesterday we heard a funny noise, but it stopped. Today Shawn was sitting on the porch smoking when looking at the truck he noticed that one wheel was not straight. The mechanic is on his way with a tow truck to decide if it is drivable. As convenient as vehicles are, I sometimes wish I could feed it peanuts and take it for a walk in the tall grass and…
Read More🍅 The favorite plant of mine, I plant multiple varieties and watch them flower and bloom with anticipation every year. This year I am trying some gardening tarp to see if it reduces weeds. I am also going to use an essential oils spray to ward off tomato horn worms. My plants have been growing for 3 months in seed pods and pots and are finally ready to go in the…
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