All About Me
Evidently I was born, although I do not remember the party. Stories indicate I had a pink carnation in the nursery that I greatly admired. I was one of the lucky ones. I have a wonderful family, filled with curiosity, acceptance and more than our fair share of laughter. We have
our tragedies and trials, but somehow, we usually manage to band together and face them with as much strength as possible.
My husband and I have been together for… let’s say we met in 1983. He is not only my companion and friend, but also the guardian of my imagination. I imagine I am not easy to live with on a regular basis, especially because I am not always present where my feet are, but I also tend to babble and talk to my characters as I am plotting. Yes, he deserves a medal.
For thirty years, I was the teacher in a classroom. It was an experience I would never give up and I hope I made a difference for those students, but underneath the apple crusted desk, I was always a writer, an observer and a student of human behavior and responses. My imagination tends to fly in a million directions and it takes a cage to keep it focused.
Welcome to my world of NewEarth. I hope you enjoy the people, the setting and the story. Sign up for my newsletter to find out more about me and the world I created.
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Have you noticed how slowly time moves while you are sitting at a red light, waiting for the microwave, or staring blankly at the coffee pot waiting for that first cup that starts your brain in the morning? Time moves at a crawl while waiting for good news or bad from the doctor, while hoping to hear from an application or contest, and it moves even slower while waiting in…
Read MoreNothing is quite like watching the horses celebrating, being free to run, to jump and enjoy the cool evening breeze and embrace joy. Tonight our young farmer was feeding them and before he knew it they had staged a field break and took off for an unscheduled run around my house, helping themselves to bird food and leaving tracks through the yard. My husband loved being distracted by their fast…
Read MoreBoy am I glad the horses on this farm are not the size of NewEarth Cattle. Currently we have three equine inhabitants on the farm, and Rolex, the donkey. I bring them out carrots, dried corn, birdseed, and apples. They like it. They like it enough to play pushy shovee games, kick out at one another and snap as if they are going to bite one another to get their noses…
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