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It has been a long time since I had a drivers license, but today we went and I took the test and got my permit. I am going to spend the next two weeks practicing and hopefully After a little practice, I’ll take the road test and get my license. I would put it off even longer but I need to drive our Blazer while Shawn is driving the moving truck…
Read MoreIt looks like everything is moving along. In ten short days we close and the hopeful house will be ours!!😍😺👍 The inspection report was fantastic, lots of little things to fix, radon to mitigate, some electrical to update, nothing that cannot be done and nothing that will cost more than the house or even half the value. We plan to move at the beginning of November, giving us time to…
Read MoreWell, life is interesting… there had been no previous reports of radon or lead, no previous reports lulled us into a false sense of security. The previous owners had lived there a long time, since before radon was a known carcinogen and cause for lung cancer. So our plan is to have it mitigated, evicted and a system put in to keep it moving out, since it seeps up from…
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