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We drove to a neighboring town with more traffic, went through a drive through, and I parked, filled up with gas, and put on a few miles. The more I drive the easier it gets. In towns, out of towns, two lanes, four lanes, in and out of traffic. It is coming back. At the same time we are packing, planning the move, moving things forward. Shawn yells when I…
Read MoreAfter more than 20 years, getting behind the wheel and driving in traffic was a bit tense. I say that now after several doses of Tylenol and a good nights sleep, but hopefully it will be easier today, and easier still tomorrow. The permit test was interesting. They had iPads set up to give the test, headphones that had a slow electronic voice reading each question, but there were lots…
Read MoreSo my parents have taken in the dog, and despite the training demands and the energy of a puppy, they are enjoying her. It turned out to be a great deal for all of them. Last night while we were talking, the pup had strewn chew and dog toys all across the house, creating a walking obstacle coarse for my parents to practice their balance. She had curled herself around…
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