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The best laid plans can be derailed at the drop of a hat. We were getting through the morning pill routine, you almost have to be over 50 to get this. I have pills, he has pills, we have pills we take together. Some require food, some don’t, some cause me to use the bathroom every five minutes to drain fluid away from my heart. Yeah pills, we don’t like…
Read MoreLong day and we have done almost no packing yet. However, we are a lot closer to being ready to move. How can that be? you asked, well let me tell you. I passed the drivers test, filled out all the paperwork, got my picture taken and now hold a Missouri lisence to drive. We voted early, got that done at the court house. It was worrisome with the dates…
Read MoreIt is amazing how once you get past the worst hump, the rest falls into place. Tomorrow I move onto the tools and laundry. Things are sliding into boxes and bins. Sorting is getting easier. It was hot today, but opening windows really helped. They were doing the last cutting and rolling of hay on the farm, so that was fun to watch when we had time. Dinner was the…
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