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A great old friend came by, took us out to dinner before climbing back into his house on wheels and moving on down the road. He had called to say he might be in the area sometime this weekend. To our shock he was here before 4 pm. We visited, laughed, and enjoyed the meal almost as much as seeing him again. Are you lucky enough to have a friend…
Read MoreDuring my two years in this house, I have systematically been poisoning the mice. The long term residence and any newcomers from the fields. The general theme of homicide has given me nightmares, but cohabitation with such messy creatures can be unbearable when they have zero respect for personal property. From the time I was an infant, I have been around mice, but they were the white variety in cages,…
Read MoreIt might be spider season, but I was not a happy person while I was brushing my teeth yesterday morning and glanced up at my reflection and saw a spider crawling across my face. With toothpaste in one hand and toothbrush and foam on the other, I smacked myself, only to realize the spider was on the mirror. From a days distance, it must have been comical. Right at that…
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