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Mr. Foss contacted me on a Twitter and sent me a few questions. Answering questions for an interview when it is between me and my computer, is a lot harder than it looks. I did the best I could, but he made it sound great! http://empowered-individuals.blogspot.com/2019/01/schmeelk-authors-not-only-come-up-with.html?m=1 For those spread out everywhere, we are among those knee deep buried in snow. After we dig out, I’ll be doing more edits on…
Read MoreSo I have officially begun the search and my inbox is flooded with suggestions, most of them not at all helpful as I am not inclined to get my CDL license nor am I interested in driving for Uber. I did see a post for an exotic dancer, an experience librarian and even a dog catcher. Although to be honest there were plenty of positions for special education teachers in…
Read MoreThe mighty Jethro had a freak accident on the stairs awhile back. Some of you may remember when I blogged about it. My aging and increasingly fragile special dog with cognitive issues, fell down the stairs to the basement. He was fine and possibly Shawn and I were more traumatized than he was. Ever since, we carefully block off the entrance to the basement when we go down. The easiest…
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