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On Twitter with the limited number of characters allowed for a post and the extensive #writers-community, they have originated some games that highlight main characters, plot twists, opening lines, genre merges and more. I would invite everyone to check out the amazing works being produced by the writing community as they are all struggling to find the audience that can and will appreciate their labors of love as they scrawl…
Read MoreThe search has been exhaustive, but I have made several positive steps. I managed to get in with a broker firm for specific types of jobs. Sunbelt Staffing operates as a contractor; paid by schools, hospitals, and institutions for vetting and placing people in those hard to fill positions. So I work for Sunbelt, retain publishing and all intellectual property rights, get paid by the hour and have more flexibility,…
Read MoreMy name is Julia Schmeelk and I write my own books. In the world of Indie Publishing, there seems to be a rash of plagiarism, also an entire culture of people writing for others, collecting a fee per word. (These are called ghost writers and are usually grossly underpaid and under valued) I am not involved in any of that. For those that wonder how I wrote so many books…
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