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Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day outside trimming bushes away from the house, cleaning out brambles. We cut up the yard debris and put it in bins to be disposed of later My dad was nice enough to come help me. We had fun and got a lot of work done. This morning I look out and see frost on the sunroom roof. Yesterday I had been…
Read MoreI use a determined form of positivity, looking for the glint of good in every situation. The reason behind that attitude is selfish. I was not always a happy person. In fact, I spent my time in the negative quarters of my head, beating myself up over things I had no control over. I thought that cell of despair was my prison, and I would be forever locked outside the…
Read MoreThere are some allergies I can ignore. A little rash, some itchy eyes and palm hives are annoying, but it doesn’t kill you. On the other hand, some allergies can make you stop and pay attention. I like to breathe. I am probably not alone in that, and any allergy that affects my breathing, either by filling my lungs with mucus or closing my throat, is something I pay attention…
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