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Like everyone, having something happen unexpectedly can be good, or it can be bad, and very often it is a bit of both. On Tuesday as I was loading the car to go over to my folks, a youngish man came up our drive on a bicycle. Somewhat sheepishly he asked if we had any chores or work he could do for cash or food. I like to help out…
Read MoreSomeone who has never read a word I have written accused me of being an environmentalist as if it was a bad thing. I smiled and shrugged entirely prepared to let it go and walk away. They were evidently not happy with my half-grin and shrug and demanded to know what was so funny! So I looked at them, focusing all my attention on them for a short moment. “You…
Read MoreMy dad and I are gardening together, which is a wonderful thing! We have 🍅 tomato plants as small as two inches, some are two feet, and others are waist high, but our garden is growing. A few pepper plants a squash or two and things are stretching and twining and making room. We have lettuce, and kale, and green onions galore, yes our garden is growing and producing food.…
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