NewEarth Series - Cabin and Nest

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9/11 Remember

By CTCadmin | September 11, 2019

We were asleep when it all started. Or rather I was doing something, kids were asleep, Shawn was still in bed and the phone rang. A fellow teacher called to let me know that someone had bombed NewYork. My head spun and I did what Americans do, I turned on the News. I called my husband and got the girls up and moving as we watched and tried to make…

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By CTCadmin | September 10, 2019

Yesterday I navigated all the twists and turns for buying health insurance. While waiting for texts, emails, and call backs, we did some sorting and cleaning out. Being on hold and waiting for people to get back to me is one of my least favorite activities. At the same time, I managed to do the laundry, sweep the garage floor, move around some things from garage to basement, and in…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 20, 2019

How long does a person need to be established in a place before they are no longer considered a newcomer? In some jobs it only takes a short three months, in some states it takes two years to establish residency, in some countries you need to be born there. If the human race were to venture onto another planet, how long before they felt established? Humans move around- crossing rivers,…

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