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On the first snowy day, one day after our first winter storm, on time and with plenty of enthusiasm, our installation crew arrived. When workmen say they will be ready to start at 8 am you somehow don’t expect them to arrive shortly after 7 am to look things over, introduce themselves and start setting up. But arrive they did and with everything they needed. It took an astonishingly short…
Read MoreThe news is filled with tragic stories of Black Friday, as people fight to get the best deals and push and shove through massive crowds, but I have a really different view. I love finding the best deals, plotting our approach, waiting in companionable lines, sharing our quests with other modern searchers all on their own missions. There is never too much rudeness, or too much complaining as someone makes…
Read MoreSomeone recently asked me if my stories were a political commentary on the current US mess. I laughed because I originally wrote them before the current mess developed. So no, it is not directed at 2019 specifically. Rather my stories are a commentary on my understanding of humans, our interactions with one another, and as highlighted by the dragons and their society, what we are capable of becoming. Humans are…
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