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Having a head cold is always interesting, but having it at the beginning of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak is enlightening. People are so much better than you would think. Nobody backed away from me, nobody made the sign of the cross. I was not chased out of the public square by pitchfork wielding maniacs, nor did anyone act like I had the sign of some beast tattooed on my forehead.…
Read MoreMost of my adult life I was a teacher. A good day was when kids learned. I also favored the ones when I did not have to call cops, social workers, psychiatrists, or Doctors to help keep my students alive. That being said, I am no longer teaching, but instead I am working in sales. A good day is when I make progress towards my goals. A great day is…
Read MoreIt has been a long while since I did a blog post. Life can sometimes jump up and get you smack in the face, and no joke, it did that and more, knocking me out of my fictional world. It all started when I finally noticed that my editors excuses were piling up into the unbelievable category, surpassing the unlikely, and moving into she was either having a breakdown or…
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