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In book 4, LeeAnn, this amazing young woman who has survived some terrible circumstances, is dropped into Grabon’s nest. This is definitely not the best introduction of a human to a territory dragon, but I will say it was memorable for everyone there. LeeAnn heals not only her own injuries but Grabon’s and her value is recognized by everyone. She was trained as a healer, she uses Griss’ brews to…
Read MoreMy dad got 8 🐥 in early March. It is amazing how quickly they grow and hit adolescence. Currently hey all have feathers and are working on their crests and amassing weight. If the weather holds we are hoping to put them outside instead of under their protective heat lamp. Their tub is almost too small for them, and they are still under half size. The amazing thing about chickens…
Read MoreSo no matter that the world is facing a plague and people are locked out of work and wondering how they will survive the coming months,- spring has arrived. The planet keeps on turning and the seasons continue to change no matter what human concerns may consume us. Here in northern Illinois, spring is making its first real appearance and we are so grateful. It always surprises me to find…
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